
Permanent Faux Freckles

Offering the best permanent makeup in Massachusetts, permanent freckles are a cute and quick service that gives you a little bit of that summer look, without the actual sun damage. Faux Freckles involve tattooing 10-15 freckles onto your face in each session. Leaves you with a natural, born-with-it look! Top-rated services in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New Hampshire and all of New England.

Permanent Freckles


You’ll notice that in the slideshow above, some of the photos show freshly-done freckles (bold, dark), and some show super-cute healed results (softer, lighter, more realistic). As always, we always recommend choosing your artist based on their healed work. A beautiful long-term result is the goal!

The cutest addition to the PMU family! This service is fully customized for every client, with specialized placement, tools, colors, and sizes. Faux freckles can be done anywhere on the face or body.

Faux Freckles are great for clients that are..

  • In love with their "summer skin," and want their freckles to stick around all year without the use or dangerous tanning beds / booths.

  • Looking to camouflage the look of a few old acne scars.

  • Creating faux freckles with henna/makeup everyday, and read to commit.

FUN FACT: We do not darken existing beauty marks, freckles. birth marks, moles, etc. For safety reasons, vou and vour dermatologist need to be able to see if these abnormalities change in shape, size, or color.


  • Faux Freckles: First Session $250

  • Faux Freckles: Additional Sessions $200*

    PS: Ask us in advance how to save 10% at checkout!

*A special deal for clients returning to TGF for additional freckle sessions ($50 off our first-timer rate). Please note that if you've had freckles done at another studio & want to book your next round with us, It'd be best for you to book for Faux Freckles: First Session," as it'll be your first session with *us.* Thanks!

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